As we begin this final week of the Advent season, is your heart ready to receive Jesus and celebrate His birth? 

My mind goes to Psalm 57:8, "My heart is steadfast, O God; my heart is steadfast; I will sing and chant praise. Awake, O my soul; awake, lyre and harp! I will wake the dawn."  Our children will definitely "wake the dawn" on Christmas morning with great joy and enthusiasm. Until then, we still have a few days to prepare our hearts, quiet our minds and follow the lead of the children with great anticipation and joy. 

This last week of Advent my look and feel a bit different, but my desire for all of us is to turn to Mary, and fully embrace this beautiful life and do what God is calling us to do.  Nothing is impossible with God!  Let us join Mary in saying, "Here I am the servant of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word."